TRIPAWDS: Home to 25294 Members and 2183 Blogs.

“What is that? and why does it make so much noise?”

“I’m ignoring you…”
“Whatever “it” is it smells funny…”

Can I play with it too?

2 Month Ampuversary

Tomorrow will be Caesar’s 2 month ampuversary.  He is doing remarkably well.  Try to build up his stamina with short walks and playing but with a 1 month old around it makes it more challenging!  Caesar and Soren are getting along well.  Caesar is very curious around Soren, especially when Soren cries – Caesar gets a little uncomfortable.

Will be taking some more pictures soon to post – trying to get one of Soren and Caesar together!

1 month and 7 days post amputation

Sorry we havent been very good about keeping our blog up to date.  Our baby was due on Sept 16 and he decided to join us 11 days early on Sept 5th!  Caesar now has a little brother – Soren Axel Rebman.   Mom and baby are doing well.

Caesar is doing remarkably well.  The week the baby came was a big turning point for Caesar.  He was doing ok before that, but that week – he became more of himself – playing, running around, following me into the kitchen hoping for something to drop and hit the floor for a little snack!  The amputation site has healed well.

He still sometimes forgets how to go up the stairs, but will a little encouragement and sometime help, he makes it seem easy!  The other day he came running in the backdoor after going potty and if I didnt know he had only 3 legs, I would have never have known by the way he ran right past me and went to lay down!

He still gets tired fairly easily, so we need to start building his tolerance up for some walks.  With baby here things have been a little hectic!

Caesar has adjusted to Soren pretty well.  He was certainly curious about this new, little noisemaker and would get “nervous” when Soren would cry, but we have sat on the floor with Soren and Caesar has come up and give him a big wet kiss – so they seem to get getting along well!

We hope to be better about blogging going forward – attached are some recent pictures of Caesar.

We haven’t for one minute regretted amuptating Caesar’s leg.  He is a happy puppy again and will hopefully live a long and healthy life!

Ryan, Rachel, Soren and Caesar!

Day of Surgery

Day of surgery with Ryan

Day of Surgery with Rachel (& baby)

Caesar 9 days Post Surgery

It’s been 9 days since Caesar’s surgery and his recovery amazes us everyday. The surgery went “perfectly” according to the surgeon.  All of the worries and second-guessing were calmed a bit when we picked him up from the hospital on August 12 and he walked out on his own…Of course he did! He’s a Bully!  Strong-willed and bull-headed. We should have trusted the qualities that get him in trouble would also help him (and us) during this recovery.

Although the tumor was near his hock joint, the surgeon removed his leg at the hip. And it seems to be more of an adjustment for us than it is for Caesar.  For the first few days we followed him around with his sling and loads of encouraging words like the nervous parents we are…I am pretty sure Caesar sighed in annoyance, but he has shown incredible restraint with us…We’re learning.

The past week has been a challenge to get the medication right. He was on at least 1500 mg of antibiotics, tramadol, rimadyl, and the fentanyl patch. The fentanyl patch came off after the 2nd day because it caused Caesar a lot of discomfort. Then after a week of no sleep and constant restlessness, we realized that the tramadol was causing him to have a lot of anxiety, so we had to stop that too. Fortunately by then his pain was under control with the rimadyl and he (and we) got our first good nights sleep in over a week.

The new thing we are trying to work through is the panting. Caesar has labored breathing and then breaks into a pant. At first we thought he was still in pain so we weren’t sure about stopping the pain meds all together. We discovered that the antibiotics that he was prescribed for post surgery needed to stop. We brought him in to our vet and had x-rays done on his chest and saw that his lungs are not as clear as they should be. Because of the surgery, his immune system is down and his allergies are not helping. So we switched him over to a different antibiotic (clavamox) to clear his lungs up. And after 3 days, he is able to breath normally and no panting!

More milestones-

Caesar is drinking water, going potty regularly, and we even came home to find him on the side of his surgery…Ahhh. Relaxation is the best!!

Tonight while taking him outside – before I could get to him with the sling, we bolt up the 3 stairs and made it up like there wasnt any issue at all.  Quite amazing!


Not sure if I am doing this right but here goes – Our bulldog – Caesar was diagnosed with a soft tissue sarcoma on his right rear limb on july 29, 2010. ON August 11, 2010 he joined the ranks of the tripawds. More details to follow.

Day after surgery

Picture of Caesar before surgery